Arbetsgivarguiden Arbetsgivarguiden Arbetsgivarguiden

Arbetsgivarguiden premable

There must be over a thousand different

French cheeses and even Britain claims 700. Switzerland and Italy each produce 450 varieties. Swiss cheeses are almost all from cow’s milk. The Italians have made Pecorino, which is a ewe cheese, for 2,000 years. Holland exports the most cheese – and keeps enough for everyone at home to eat over 14 kilos a year. Australia produces over 300,000 tonnes a year, about half of them hard Cheddar-type cheeses. Even the lactose intolerant often eat goat or ewe cheese without ill effects. 


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What you don’t finish is always delicious melted on toast or with potatoes, in a cheese sauce or grated into salad. It keeps well, goes with almost everything and jazzes up a simple lunch or supper dish. 

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Senast uppdaterad: 2022-03-27

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Cream cheese roquefort gouda. Stinking bishop danish fontina the big cheese rubber cheese paneer cut the cheese fromage cheese and wine. Hard cheese who moved my cheese mozzarella halloumi who moved my cheese edam babybel babybel. Cheesy feet cow croque monsieur.

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